
Saturday 17 October 2015


On Tuesday, August 16, 2015, the entire world would come to know the team of hackers that call themselves “The Impact Team”. The group of hackers were able to get by the security of the website “Ashly Madison” and stealing and releasing the data from all of their 37 million users. The data, 9.7 GB in size, contains the names, passwords, address, phone numbers, and credit card transactions of the site’s users (2015, Wikipedia).  If getting your personal information released to the pubic via the internet isn’t bad enough, the purpose of the website makes it a lot worse.

Ashley Madison is a Canadian based online dating service and social networking website aimed at people that are married or in a committed relationship that want to hook up in secrecy. The Ashley Madison slogan is “Life is shot. Have an affair.” which makes keeping your data a secrets the utmost importance to the users looking to cheat on their mates in secrecy. This data leak brings a lot of issues to the surface including data safety, anonymity, information technology issues, and social issues. 

The Ashley Madison data leak goes down on the long list of data leaks and cyber security breaches in history. The data leak is far from being the biggest leak. The biggest leak was from the “Massive American Business Hack” that happened in 2012, in which hackers stole over 160 million credit card and debit card numbers from American consumers (2013, NY Daily News). Data protection and hackers have become a cat and mouse game, in which the eventual losers will be us; the public that trust companies to keep our data safe.  

(2015, October 14). Ashley Madison [Wikipedia Post]. Retrieved from

(2013, July 16). Hackers hit companies like Nasdaq, 7-Eleven for $300 million, prosecutors say [News Post]. Retrieved from


  1. Great introduction, I will start off by saying my heart goes out to all the families involved especially ones with children. I hope families could find a way to mend there relationships back together and put these sandals behind them. Yes, easier said then done but lets just hope.

    I will add the advent of the internet these days has made having an illicit affair easier then ever before. Meeting Mr. and Mrs. right, the sequel is a mere mouse click away with anyone with a credit card. It is sad that this is what the world has come to these days, this is one of many leaks and I can almost guarantee that it is far from being the last.




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