
Sunday 18 October 2015

Scammers & Extortionists

After all disasters, whether natural or man-made, there comes a wave of scammers and people that try to rip off the victims. This happens after tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, tornados, and even after data hacks. Scammers and extortionists have begun to target and attack the Ashley Madison users.  

First, scammers have already began to use the names, passwords, address, phone numbers, and credit card information from the users of the site. They have begun stealing and using the identification of the users to make money and purchase merchandise using their information.

Second, the scammers have begun to extort the victims of the data leak. It has been reported that many people have been extorted not to have their information released on the internet (2015, Silicon Angle). The users have been blackmailed for Bitcoins in order to keep their information and possible infidelity a secret (2015, Silicon Angle). Some users have paid the extortion, and other have reported it to their local police forces.

The data from the breach can be used to gather more information, and they can even gain access to their computers (2015, Tripwire). Once in their personal computers, hackers could gain more access to bank accounts and other passwords (2015, Tripwire). They can do a lot of damage to people with just a few pieces of information. Hackers can be very resourceful and they can do a lot of damage to people that thought their data was safe on the servers of companies. This is a false sense of security. Our data is very vulnerable from so many different sources and companies that we may have contact with.

(2015, September 6). Ashley Madison blackmail for Bitcoin scam reaping profits for extortionists [News Post]. Retrieved from

(2015, September 1). The Ashley Madison Hack – A Timeline [News Post]. Retrieved from


  1. Question for you..

    Have any of these scammers been identified or have police officials been able to locate additional information to try and stop some of this from ruining people's humanity even more then it already has?

    People need to come to realization the importance of protecting yourself and your loved ones, to the people that this has affected I hope this was a good eye opener and they will choose to live with a different mind set in more ways then one. (no pun intended)




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